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Estimados profesionales dedicados al abordaje del dolor:

Los invitamos a participar en el estudio que las Universidades Philipps University of Marburg y la Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt llevan a cabo sobre un novedoso algoritmo que sirve de guía para utilizar la nueva clasificación de dolor crónico que la IASP desarrollo en colaboración con la OMS.

Dicha clasificación entrará en vigencia en 2022 en la CIE11 de la OMS.

Involucrarse en esta investigación colaborará con el desarrollo del algoritmo, al mismo tiempo que les servirá a ustedes para entrenarse en el uso de esta nueva clasificación a través de la interacción con pacientes virtuales ficticios en la plataforma del estudio.

Para más información:


Dear pain specialist,

We would like to invite you as a pain specialist to participate in a study conducted by the Philipps University of Marburg and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt!

As you will know, the ICD-11 will come into effect in January 2022. For the first time, it will include a systematic classification of chronic pain. In order to make the diagnostic process in practice as simple and time-saving as possible, we have developed a decision tree to guide through the criteria. To evaluate this algorithm, we now need the help of experienced pain specialists like you. 

What is it about?

Our study will allow you to gain experience with the new classification of chronic pain and to get to know the classification algorithm. To make the process as lifelike as possible, we have developed virtual patients who all have chronic pain complaints. We would like you to examine the patients and tell us what you think their diagnoses should be. We will then be able to compare the diagnostic process with and without the algorithm. 

How long will it take?

Pilot studies showed that the participation in the study will take between 50-80 minutes. You will have the option to pause in between and continue at a later time. In this way, we hope that participation can be integrated into your demanding daily work routine in the best possible way.

What are the benefits of participation?

– By participating, you will learn about the new classification algorithm and the new chronic pain diagnoses.  So the study gives you a ‘sneak peek’ into the new ICD-11! 

– For each completed participation, we will donate a tree through Oxfam – so not only will you be making an important contribution to research through your participation, but you are also supporting the environment.

– In addition, we will be happy to provide you with a certificate of your participation in the study.

Are there any requirements for participation?

– Good knowledge of English

– Experience with chronic pain patients

How does the study work?

The first part of the study is a short anonymous online survey. Here we will ask about your age, gender and your field of speciality. At the beginning of the survey, you will again receive detailed study information and be asked to provide your consent. At the end of the survey, you will then receive instructions on how to access the actual study platform and the how to interact with the virtual patients.


Here is the link to the first part of the study:

Following this survey, you will be redirected to the study platform with the virtual patients.


Here is the link to the virtual patients:

We would be very pleased to have your support in a study conducted by the Philipps University of Marburg and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt!


We look forward to your participation!

With kind regards


Principal Investigator:

Dr Antonia Barke, Consultant to the ICD-11 Task Force for the Classification of Chronic Pain

Clinical and Biological Psychology, CU Eichstaett-Ingolstadt

Eichstaett, Germany


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